Whether you are an established author or just starting out, having a professional English translation of your work is a great way to open up both the English speaking as well as other foreign markets.
I offer literary translations from German into both American and British English.
If you would like to see whether our linguistic styles are compatible I am happy to prepare one 500 word sample for free.
If you are not yet ready to commit to a full translation but would like to dip your toe in the water, and have a sample large enough to send out to publishers, I offer sample translation packages at a reduced price for:
10 Standard Pages for 150€
30 Standard Pages for 450€
A standard page is considered 1500 characters including spaces.
The cost of the sample can be put toward the price of a full novel translation at a later point.
These packages only include a one-time translation without a follow up consultation or rounds of editing.
I am also happy to discuss different sample lengths if needed.
Full NovelS
A full novel translation is very useful to have if you are ready to seriously pursue having your work published in English or other foreign markets. With a full translation publishers and agents can fully assess whether they are a good fit for your work.
Unlike the sample translations, the full novel package includes two rounds of edits either with you or an English reader you trust. These edits can also be saved for when the novel is sold into English at which point I will go through the editing process with the chosen publisher to finalize the text in a way that suits both of you best. At this point I will usually also act as an intermediary between you and the publisher to discuss suggested edits they might have. In this process I am of course here to represent your creative vision for your book.
Full novels are priced at 19€ per standard page. A standard page is considered 1500 signs including spaces.